1.01 The objectives for which the Association is formed are:
a) to promote and assist recreational, educational, and social well being programs of the residents in the community.
b) to work in co-operation with the City of Saskatoon and Leisure Services Department, in the development of leisure facilities and parks.
c) to work in conjunction with other organizations in the development of recreational and educational programs in the community.
d) to promote and carry out activities for which funds may be raised for carrying out furthering the objectives of the Association.
2.01 Shall be open to any family or individual that resides within the boundaries upon payment of the required annual fee, or families with children who attend school located within the Association’s boundaries.
2.02 Members in good standing shall be given priority to participate in association activities over non-members.
2.03 Membership fees shall be paid annually for the term of one year and must be obtained before participating in any organized activity.
2.04 One membership card shall be issued per family.
3.01 The Association’s Board of Directors may consist of up to 25 members.
3.02 The members shall elect from their number at the Annual General Meeting, the following Directors:
President | Vice President |
Past President | Secretary |
Treasurer | Children’s Program Coordinator |
Adult Program Coordinator | Volunteer Coordinator |
Newsletter Distributor | Basketball Coordinator |
Softball (girls) Coordinator | Fundraising Coordinator |
Park Development Coordinator | Communications Coordinator |
Equipment Coordinator | Soccer Coordinator |
Softball (boys) Coordinator | Rink Coordinator |
Members at Large (5) | Membership Coordinator |
*3.03 In addition to the Directors, the Area Recreation Consultant of the Leisure Services Department of the City of Saskatoon shall be an ex officio member of the Board of Directors.
3.04 No Director shall be a salaried employee of the corporation.
3.05 Each director’s position shall be for a one year term with the option of re-election for the same or a different position.
4.01 The business of the Association shall be managed by the Executive duly elected from the membership of the Association.
4.02 The executive shall have the power to do all things necessary for the successful operation of the Association as follows:
a) Administer the funds of the Association for the advancement of the objectives of the Association and the well-being of the Association.
b) Commence or discontinue any form of activity or sport being conducted under the auspices of the Association.
c) Expel any member for unbecoming conduct, or failure to carry out his/her duties as an elected officer, or infraction of any rules and regulations of he organization.
d) Suspend from the executive any member who is absent for 3 consecutive meetings without having given satisfactory explanation to the President.
e) Accept any registration and fill any vacancy occurring for the balance of the term of office.
f) Ensure that the Association is operated on a non-political, non-sectarian basis.
g) Ensure that the objectives of the Association are carried on without monetary gain to its members, and that any profits are used in promoting its objectives.
h) appoint committees and prescribe their duties, powers and duration.
i) Make such rules and regulations regarding the use of the Association facilities as they deem necessary.
*5.01 There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Association each year, at which time, the Directors shall be elected and the financial report presented.
*5.02 The date, time and place of the meeting shall be stated in the Community Newsletter which must be delivered at least 15 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
*5.03 Special general meetings must be called by the President when requested to do so by a group of members in good standing of at least 25, or as required by a majority of the Directors.
5.04 Not less than eight (8) voting members shall constitute a quorum at all general meetings.
5.05 The order of business at the Annual General Meetings shall be as follows:
i) Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting
ii) Business arising from Minutes
iii) Report of President
iv) Report of Treasurer and presentation of financial statement
v) Reports of Board of Directors
vi) Election of Directors
vii) New Business
viii) Adjournment
5.06 Half the number of filled directors positions plus one shall constitute a quorum to conduct business meetings of the Board.
6.01 All eligible voters living in the community at the time of the annual meeting shall be eligible to take office or be a candidate for office.
*8.01 No Director or any member of the Association shall have the power to pledge the credit of the Association or to enter into a contract or agreement on behalf of the Association wherein under the Association is or will be obligated until such commitment has been specifically authorized by a meeting of the executive.
8.03 All expenditures over $3000.00 shall be submitted for approval at a general meeting or a special meeting.
*9.01 Proposed amendments to the Articles of Incorporation must be made in writing and presented to the membership 30 days prior to the Annual or Special meeting.
9.02 Changes to the Bylaws may be presented to the Executive and adopted and then ratified at the next meeting of the members.
*9.03 Any amendments must receive at least 2/3 of the vote cast before it may be passed.
*10.01 The fiscal year of the Association shall being July 1 of each year and end June 30 of the following year.
11.01 All cheques drawn upon the Association bank account and all legal papers and contracts must be signed by the Treasurer and co-signed by one of three Directors appointed by the Executive.
12.01 In the event of any disputes as to the meaning of any resolution or by-law passed, the interpretation of the Executive shall be final and binding.
13.01 If the members resolve that the Association can no longer function as a viable organization then dissolution may be considered. This action should be implemented only after it has been concluded that no future purpose of the Association’s existence can be identified and the Executive may instead resolve to suspend activities until enough interest is shown to make it viable again.
*Required by the City or Corporations Branch.